Classification of plastic snow scoops

Published on by Daisy Sun

 Classification of plastic snow scoops

Brush directly hair is a kind of production mode of plastic snow scoops the most traditional, is the direct use of nylon yarn, abrasive wire, directly into the grinding rod. Is good, have great strength, processing time is short. Number of plastic scoops production efforts if production is considerable. Disadvantage is the cost price is a little high, but also very difficult to brush a problem when replacing part of the hair. In the early development of helpless can be selected.
Then is what kind of nylon sleeve. Advantage of production is relatively simple, nylon sleeve now most production of nylon brush way is used. Drawback is to use nylon, if a little nylon difference with quality, in term of the pusher snow shovels expansion and contraction of nylon will grow. Finally, a machine to nylon sleeve damage. The nylon brush directly discarded. There is a brush intensity is not high, easy hair removal, cover density is small.
Finally is the plastic snow scoops spiral. Is abrasive filaments into can be wound after metal on wound on the roller mill, which can be very good control of roller mill and the length of the custom. Now most of the mode of production of nylon brush. Disadvantage is that the grinding wire is easy to be blocked, according to scrap into nylon brush.

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